WebVR: Imagining A DigitalFUTURES Exhibition in Participatory Immersive Environments

Info website

Group Divide: sheet

Data Visulisation: Tange Ge / Imaging Landscape


Workshop number of Days: 5 / Hours Per Day: 4  Greenwich Mean Time

Jun 29, 2020 06:00 PM
Jun 30, 2020 06:00 PM
Jul 1, 2020 06:00 PM
Jul 2, 2020 06:00 PM
Jul 3, 2020 06:00 PM


Meeting ID:
979 7615 6944
To Join the Meeting

Day 1 June 29: Introduction to the Theory and Technology of Participatory Immersive Environments


The reakuty scale-XR(extended Reality, x for variale)-AR/VR/MR–History of VR–Equipment–WebVR

Web VR consist: three.js/ React VR/ WebGL/ babylon.js

Tool for use: AFrame (ref Erin)(Git) (VR induction)–>use Glitch as editor(regist as Git account)

“VR is the power to take you any where, MR and AR is the power to bring anything to you.” (Clay Bayor,Google)

#Reading Speculative Everything by Dunne and Raby or Architectures of the Near Futures by Nic Clear

#WebVR WebVR is a JavaScript API for creating immersive 3D, Virtual Reality experiences in your browser.

#Bolt Visual scipt tool in unity asset store. Tutorial here.

Day 2 June 30: Designing Social Interactions for WebVR

//to be continued

Day 3 July 1: UX for WebVR

//to be continued

Day 4 July 2: Production and Playtesting

//to be continued

Day 5 July 3: Playtesting on the www.DigitalFUTURES.world website

//to be continued

Software and relted tutorial

Host: Biayna Bogosian + Claudiu Barsan Pipu + and Namju Lee

Workshop Description

Key Words: WebVR, Virtual Reality, Exhibition Design, Immersive Environments, Experience Design, Remote Participation, Social Media

Workshop Schedule

Day 1 June 29: Introduction to the Theory and Technology of Participatory Immersive Environments

Introduction to Web-based VR/AR/XR and its potential to revolutionize participatory immersive media

Introduction to Unity3d game engine

Introduction to A-Frame, Three.js, Mozilla Hubs

Group formation

Brainstorming session

Technology setup Q/A

Day 2 June 30: Designing Social Interactions for WebVR

Character design

Incorporating DigitalFUTURES data in WebVR

Incorporating social media

WebVR Group presentation on WebVR exhibition rooms for the DigitalFUTURES final exhibition

Group work and feedback sessions

Day 3 July 1: UX for WebVR

Incorporating Audio

Optimizing Graphics

Group work and feedback sessions

Day 4 July 2: Production and Playtesting

Group work and feedback sessions

Day 5 July 3: Playtesting on the www.DigitalFUTURES.world website

Group work and feedback sessions

Final presentation with guest jurors (time TBD)