Reactivating the Barbican

Keywords: Narrative Architecture, Barbican, Game, Architectural Design

Reactiveating the Barbican is a exploration of gaming the experience of people’s tour path in Barbican, London.

The aim of this project is to develop a new approach to promote communication between different communities and narrative the secrets of these silent space.

A game called Secrete Barbican is designed to connect the forgotten conners scattered around the site. A virtual guide would appear on shopping windows, phones, tablets, TV screens, pictures hunged on walls to guide the visitors and push them to unpuzzle the secrets of Barbican. To join in this game, each visitor has to submit one personal stuff as a ticket. At the end of the journey, no matter how expensive or normal the object is, the “ticket stuff” will be burned to energize the whole setting.

At the end of this game, evidence of this game will burn to ashes, the memory will be kept and the story will continue.

Entire project portfolio can be seen here.


本次的设计借由提出对Reactiveating the Barbican的口号,开拓一种新的游戏式探索,旨在促进不同社区之间的交流,并叙述这些沉默空间的秘密。

游戏名为”Secret Barbican“,秘密既散落在场地内因标识不清或独特的空间感而形成的隐秘角落,也暗指此处丰富待挖掘的风土文化小故事。当来访者,推开一个隐藏在楼梯暗角的书店暗门,一个虚拟的导游会出现在橱窗、手机、平板电脑、电视屏幕、甚至挂在墙上的图片上,引导游客,推动他们去解开Barbican的秘密。要加入这个游戏,每个游客必须提交一个随身物件作为门票。在旅程结束时,无论物品有多贵重或多普通,门票都会被烧掉,为整个装置系统供能。
