Urban Plan & Architecture Design


With developments in the city and traffic, more and more viaducts were built to meet mass rapid transit. The presence of vast-scale viaducts breaks the continuous urban landscape. Thilink is a new-yu[e traffic facility which enables different traffic flows and provides a comfortable and quiet environment for the public. The purpose of this project is to create a more conventionally cumbersome image of urban viaduct space.


Wisdom Green Vally

The field of “green technology” encompasses a continuously evolving group of methods and materials, from techniques for generating energy to non-toxic cleaning products.This project is a practical attempt in the construction of ecological civilization to enhance capital efficiency of low-carbon economy development.

The Town With Hills And Rivers

Team leader : Dr. Guoyang Huang

My role: urban design, 3D-model making

Westriver Town is a rich and potential land, which located in Yunfu City, Guangdong Provice.The excellent view of mountain and river make the opportunity of making urban design for such a large scale of land very precious. With the purpose of building a brand new town without losing its culture root, Yunfu government launch a international bidding for concept design of this area, which attracted over 20 design institutes. My team joined in the competition and won the recognition award.

Regulatory Detailed Plan of Juye County

Team leader : Dr. Guoyang Huang

My role: urban design, 3D-model making, environmental strategies reasearch

Haze episodes have occurred in China nearly every year. There are several resons to explain the terrible air, and the uncontrolled urbanism is one of them. How to avoid the situation before it happens? How to improve the curent situation before it losing control? In making regulatory plan for Juye City, which aim to be buit as a low-carbon ecological city, we make an innovative attempt in carbon balance to change the air polution from the very beginning.

These projects are accomplished as an architectual designer at Rijing Architectual Design Co.,Ltd (Shanghai, China) .

The entire portfolio could be seen here.